Truth doesn't mind analysis because it will be exposed as truth. However, lies never like analysis because they are exposed as lies. The reason cancer culture even needs to exist, is because it is insecure about the fact that it's built on lies. If it is truly analyzed then we see that it will be shown for what it is, that cancer culture is weaponized against truth and very seldom against lies.
And that’s troublesome. Because Cancel Culture is no longer an expression of opinions and ideals, instead it’s becoming an octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, demanding that it’s reach be extended into our homes. Demands that traditional parenting now must yield and subscribe to their masquerade. They insist that everyone must capitulate and bow to the tenets of cancel culture. Like a Gestapo, their desire is to stamp out any resistance. They target Christian schools insisting that they can no longer teach their views by undermining the integrity of what is taught. The connecting tissue of all this their opposition to truth, truth is their target. More pointedly, they want to remove the impact of God’s truth. Why? One of the best descriptions of post-modernism I ever heard was that it killed the author, in other words truth is not something that's authored by a higher power - outside of ourselves. Truth, rather comes up from within us and from our own subjective experiences. The Bible says in John chapter 1 that there is a great author in the beginning, the Word. And, the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and furthermore, all things were made through him and by him and without him nothing was made that was made. It states that all reality stems from one great source. There is an author, there is a greater truth, in other words, there are truths about this world that are fixed and unchangeable. Post-modernism wants to reverse all that, claiming “No, I’m my own author of truth”. The best they can claim is, that my subjective experiences creates truth. And we applaud and encourage one another for standing up for your truth. Now, we're in a situation where truth is now my truth, it is my reality and not yours. But it didn’t end there, my truth now must be your truth. We have come full circle. The Apostle Paul points out about his time and our time in 1st Timothy, he’s talking about how Christians should pray for kings and those who are in authority. Why? So Godly lives can live a life of peace. In Chapter 2 verse 25, he says they “exchanged the truth about God for, … and the Greek is actually “the lie”, (this is the greatest lie of all), that they exchange the truth about God for the lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator. The ultimate creature worship is the worship of one’s own self. There is no more contemporary statement than that. What Paul has written is not just Ancient Rome, this is today in America. It's the timeless sin of the human race.