Sane people are surveying the landscape of America right now and wondering, what the hell has happened to this great country? Like a bad pre-quel to a Mad Max movie this country is divided, and not since the days that led up to the Civil War, neither side is willing to stand down both claiming moral superiority.
And thus the battle lines have been drawn. And like similar orations of 160 years ago, some claim that this is God’s winnowing of America — a time when God looks down at America and decides He doesn’t like what He sees. Therefore, He is allowing a time of great testing to separate the good from evil, the worthwhile from worthless, the usable from unusable. But, a discussion of GOD's interventin into human affairs is a subject for another time. However, using an over-used and often quoted assessment: "these are the best of times and these are the worst of times" is very appropriate for these times we are in. The coronavirus; the collapse of the U.S. economy; the rise of the thug forces on city streets; the calls for defunding of police, leading to eventual destruction of law and order; the defacement and removal of our nation’s most symbolically important monuments and statues; the widespread looting of businesses; the targeted shootings of police officers; the mandatory masking of American faces; the opening of doors for mass mail-in voting, meaning mass voter fraud that favors one political party over another — these are all instances and examples of strife, struggle, trial and testing the country has faced and continues to face. We are witnessing the systematic dismantling and elimination a two-party political government. We have had a one party majority in the past, but those were 2-year anomalies. Now, we have one party in complete control, a new agenda that is will initiating new procedures that will prevent any opposition to their agenda permanently. They not only desire to change our future, but rewriting our history and heritage. Few would argue that the Trump administration had been anything but smooth sailing. But he didn’t start the fire. He simply outed what’s been a burning ember for some time — but such a slow burning ember that its heat has gone largely unnoticed. Or, ... more to truth, largely ignored. We are moving away from the greatness of our fore-fathers. We have turned away from the source of their greatness. We’re paying the price. This country, was founded on a core principle of rights coming from God, not government, opened its figurative doors with a pledged that started with the very first elected-representative Assembly in Jamestown, to plant the first colony and govern in harmony under the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith. That same spirit of self-governance, determination to self-rule and recognition of higher heavenly authority that led to the forging of America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution. It was those same motivations that influence the creation of our nation’s first governing document, that etched in marble the core facet of America’s greatness: that individual rights are granted by God, and government has no authority to strip them away. But God-given isn’t just a blessing. It’s a responsibility. If Americans want a country where human rights come from above, at birth, then Americans must cherish and uphold the ideals established by our fore-fathers.
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