In 1798, John Adams, a Founding Father and our second president, said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Even though America was not born Christian, it grew to become very Christian. Clearly, the Founders identified themselves as Christians. The Founding Fathers, understood that self-government under God’s government could tempered the potential harmful effects of a pure democracy that could be manipulated by evil men and women. In 1776, nearly every European American, with the exception of about 3000 Jews, identified himself or herself as a Christian. Moreover, approximately 98 percent of the colonists were Protestants, with the remaining 1.9 percent being Roman Catholics. But the reality was, these were Christians who were significantly influenced by non-Christian ideas, self-consciously attempting to create a new secular political order. The founders’ bedrock of principles did not dictate, persecute, or compel one’s adherence to religious doctrine or affiliation. Rather, they defended the individual’s right to exercise, or not to exercise, one’s personal beliefs in faith. But make no mistake as a collective, the Founders understood that a functioning and thriving Republic mandated a societal moral tone was crucial to maintaining order and securing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Yes, Christianity has always been intertwined with the American spirit of liberty and independence. And yet, America itself has become it’s own religion. The United States is the only country that believes itself to be based on a unifying ideology that is both unique and universal—and avowedly secular. Since World War II, if you look at the Democratic and the Capitalistic systems of the world and how it was spread into more and more countries we see that it has lifted more people out of poverty than any other time in history. It has elevated more into the middle class than at any other time in history, it has it has raised up the lives of more people it has improved the lot of more people than any other movement or idea in all of history. What's interesting is at the core of Christian Western Democratic values at the very least are freedoms, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom to protest, freedom to pursue your dreams and because of that sort of thing, (and all people agree on) is why more people migrate to America than any where else in the world. But today, political disputations over what America is supposed to be have taken on the fervor of religious zealots, and fanatical theological debates. It has become what a religion looks like without the religion. These New Age zealots have taken religious notions such as original sin, atonement, ritual, and excommunication, and repurpose them for secular ends. Adherents of woke-ism see themselves as challenging the long-dominant narrative that emphasized the exceptionalism of the nation’s founding. Whereas traditional religion views the promised land as being above, a hope within God’s kingdom, the utopian left, however, sees the promised land as being in the realization of a globalization here on Earth. It’s rare to ever hear someone being accused of “being un-Canadian”, or “un-Korean” or “un-British”, but to be called un-American is considered a slur, by both left and right. Being called un-American is not unlike being called “un-Christian” or “un-Islamic”, a weighted accusation akin to heresy. What does it mean to be a nation? What is the purpose of the state? What is the role of religion in public life? In America, politics is war by other means—and sometimes is literal war. No wonder that the newly ascendant American ideologies, are filling the vacuum where religion once held prominence, and they are intentionally divisive. They are meant to be divisive by design. If loyalties don’t derive from traditional religion, it would find it’s expression through secular commitments, ... movements such as BLM, WOKE and Climate Change zealots. New Age Utopian Socialist zealots are demanding that new mandatory regulations for leveling capitalism be installed and controlled by appointed ideological bureaucrats. It is Marxist, it is Communist. Their ideal future is that the US will no longer be leading the world out of poverty, instead it should be a coalition of nations, a multi-national government that will dominate the world. Their agenda is to make a utopia that puts people into a position of being totally controlled. Either way, no human ideology can survive very long without some ultimate loyalty, even if it’s mandatory. The threat of a Globalist Communism is real and already beginning in the United States, institutionally we are seeing the dilution one of American’s fundamental blessings, the ability to vote and select it’s representatives of government. And worst, we are lining up and embracing it. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that the world’s leading western Democracy will embrace the Communistic restrictions in exchange for a sense of safety and security and for stimulus bribes and handouts from the government. We will give up going to church with all of our friends, we will give up our family connections, we willingly give up work, we will even quarantine ourselves, believing the government will keep us safe. We bought the lie of the Utopian Socialists and their Media’s propaganda vomit.
There’s an old saying “You only vote for communism once!” ... because afterwards, you will no longer have a right to vote. We gave it all up willingly because of COVID 19, and next they'll try and engineer a new crisis to get more of their agenda off the ground, to regulate and control our lives, it will be Climate Change, and it's very clear in the DAVOS’ Great Reset documentation what they precisely want to do. What is DAVOS? 25—29 January 2021 THEME: THE GREAT RESET Here’s the Agenda of the World Economic Forum's 2021 Davos Conference featured a breathtaking display of oligarchical intention to eradicate all national sovereignty: In the week-long conference, several major themes were presented, including: 1) A Kinder Gentler Dictatorship 2) Good-bye Nation States 3) China Makes its Peace with the Empire 4) Global Malthusianism 5) Using Covid to Re-make Human Culture