When Reality Hits Home.For the longest time, I have had the thought of writing a book sharing some ancestral family stories while crossing paths with famous Americans and some of their pivotal engagements in US history in forging our nation.
In my supporting research for the book (yet to be completed), I uncovered a history of government corruption driven by the greed of influential individuals that turned far darker than I could have ever imagined. Was it always their intention to walk in the valleys of darkness? I think not. Whether it was behind closed doors in the hallways of Congress or on a southern plantation, or on the Great Plains, greed and opportunity led many motivated men down a dark path. Many will say it's obvious, but it is more insidious than you think. It was always there, but it laid slightly hidden beneath the surface of most American textbooks. They say history is recorded by the winners and revised by those with political agendas, and we see it clearly happening today. It wasn’t until 1806 that my ancestor Elijah Davidson, his father-in-law John Murphy and a few other brave men took a public stand against slavery as simple preachers and ordinary citizens. It was their personal religious awakenings to the truer meaning of Jesus’s words that He preached at the Sermon on the Mount. With that awakening, the values of American religious hypocrisy had been lifted from their eyes and they decided something had to be done. Doing in what they believed – "what would Jesus do?" Their Emancipationist's efforts are here on this website. Recently I received two emails from 2 different individuals, they are descendants of an 1830's slave who was freed by one of my Murphy ancestors, one is a pastor in the Baptist church today, one is in Texas, and the other is in Missouri. That freedman took the Murphy name of my ancestor, and the inquiries were hoping to gather more information on him. Ironically, John Murphy's father and uncle were also pioneer preachers (called the Murphy Boys) who helped established many of the early, pre-Revolution (Separatist) Baptist churches and the very first all-black congregation in Virginia in 1756-57, called the Bluestone Church. The site of Bluestone meeting house was on a beautiful eminence on Big Bluestone Creek, about three miles from Abbyville, on Staunton River and just two from the North Carolina state line. While gathering research for my book, I'd find some historical bloggers to get additional insights and perspectives. Many of the contributors are enthusiasts, reenactors, writers, artists, etc. But on certain historical group-social pages, mostly from the southern states, many I found like to romanticize the "South's Lost Cause". To them - the Civil War was never about slavery but states rights, and many blame Lincoln, believing he was some kind of a vengeful, evil, tyrant supported by the northern industrial elites whose only goal was to destroy the southern economy. Hate is non-partisan, it takes on all walks of life, regardless of religious, political and race affiliations. I believe there's a real lack of interest in our historical education - from our first beginnings, i.e., the 1619 debacle to the early Democrats' demanding a 3/5th compromise before agreeing to the Constitution, to Manifest Destiny and our westward expansion, to the Mormon roots of their sinister plans for Deserta (making of a separate "Mormon" empire out of the 3/4 of western territories) People don't hear these stories because they are suppressed for a variety of reasons, often by pundits with a agenda that makes its way into our classrooms - of all ages. The following John Adams' letter is very revealing. John Adams would write in one of his many letters to Thomas Jefferson “I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious/destructive on the whole, and in the long run, than a monarchy or an aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. Athens, Magna Carta, Jean Rousseau and John Locke, the very ideals to protect the citizen’s natural rights which (at the time) were life, liberty, and the ownership of property. But, it is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.”
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A great woman that was erased from history by idiots.The branding of the syrup was a tribute to this woman’s gifts and talents. Now future generations will not even know this beautiful woman existed. What a shame. The world knew her as “Aunt Jemima”, but her given name was Nancy Green and she was a true American success story. She was born a slave in 1834 Montgomery County, KY. and became a wealthy superstar in the advertising world, as its first living trademark. Green was 56-yrs old when she was selected as spokesperson for a new ready-mixed, self-rising pancake flour and made her debut in 1893 at a fair and exposition in Chicago. She demonstrated the pancake mix and served thousands of pancakes, and became an immediate star. She was a good storyteller, her personality was warm and appealing, and her showmanship was exceptional. Her exhibition booth drew so many people that special security personnel were assigned to keep the crowds moving.
Nancy Green was signed to a lifetime contract, traveled on promotional tours all over the country, and was extremely well paid. Her financial freedom and stature as a national spokesperson enabled her to become a leading advocate against poverty and in favor of equal rights for all Americans. She maintained her job until her death in 1923, at age 89. She was a remarkable woman, and sadly she has been ERASED by a political agenda, who have no idea of her life's story. America, as founded, is worth fighting for.That was one of the resounding themes of this week's election results for Virginia governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and both houses of the Virginia House of Delegates, (as stated by writer Jeff M. Lewis) and the whole world was watching.
The voters validation of the overwhelming victory of Republican candidates was seen by concern citizens was a breath of fresh air against the ultimate suffocation of the freedoms we cherish. As seen in recent steps taken by the Democrats: * Defund the Police * Critical Race Theory * Invasive government overreach with ridiculous mandates * Lack of a coherent, comprehensive COVID strategy * Confiscatory taxes * Diminished parental rights and consent in the education of our children Truth doesn't mind analysis because it will be exposed as truth. However, lies never like analysis because they are exposed as lies. The reason cancer culture even needs to exist, is because it is insecure about the fact that it's built on lies. If it is truly analyzed then we see that it will be shown for what it is, that cancer culture is weaponized against truth and very seldom against lies.
And that’s troublesome. Because Cancel Culture is no longer an expression of opinions and ideals, instead it’s becoming an octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, demanding that it’s reach be extended into our homes. Demands that traditional parenting now must yield and subscribe to their masquerade. They insist that everyone must capitulate and bow to the tenets of cancel culture. Like a Gestapo, their desire is to stamp out any resistance. They target Christian schools insisting that they can no longer teach their views by undermining the integrity of what is taught. The connecting tissue of all this their opposition to truth, truth is their target. More pointedly, they want to remove the impact of God’s truth. Why? One of the best descriptions of post-modernism I ever heard was that it killed the author, in other words truth is not something that's authored by a higher power - outside of ourselves. Truth, rather comes up from within us and from our own subjective experiences. The Bible says in John chapter 1 that there is a great author in the beginning, the Word. And, the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and furthermore, all things were made through him and by him and without him nothing was made that was made. It states that all reality stems from one great source. There is an author, there is a greater truth, in other words, there are truths about this world that are fixed and unchangeable. Post-modernism wants to reverse all that, claiming “No, I’m my own author of truth”. The best they can claim is, that my subjective experiences creates truth. And we applaud and encourage one another for standing up for your truth. Now, we're in a situation where truth is now my truth, it is my reality and not yours. But it didn’t end there, my truth now must be your truth. We have come full circle. The Apostle Paul points out about his time and our time in 1st Timothy, he’s talking about how Christians should pray for kings and those who are in authority. Why? So Godly lives can live a life of peace. In Chapter 2 verse 25, he says they “exchanged the truth about God for, … and the Greek is actually “the lie”, (this is the greatest lie of all), that they exchange the truth about God for the lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator. The ultimate creature worship is the worship of one’s own self. There is no more contemporary statement than that. What Paul has written is not just Ancient Rome, this is today in America. It's the timeless sin of the human race. We're All GuiltyWe second guess ourselves. That purchase we made last week, that agreement we signed a few months back, that job we took for granted and decided to seek supposedly other, grander opportunities.
Looking back we can see where we made choices and wonder if we would have been better off choosing a different path. We all do it. Some were smaller decisions, others were life changing. The fact is that we’ll never know and we're left with playing those mind games of “what if’s”. We’re human, error-prone, with imperfect judgements, and miles short of perfect knowledge. So we learn to live with it. Hopefully without too much regret. I believe King Solomon, celebrated as the wisest man in the Bible, squandered his gift and in his final days was full of regrets, hence he wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes, and truer words were never written: “What does a man gain from all his labor, at which he toils under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets; it hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows southward, then turns northward; round and round it swirls, ever returning on its course. All the rivers flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full; to the place from which the streams come, there again they flow. All things are wearisome, more than one can describe; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear content with hearing. What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Everything is futile! I have seen all the things that are done under the sun, and have found them all to be futile, a pursuit of the wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened, and what is lacking cannot be counted.” Solomon wrote much of the book of Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes, and two psalms. Are any of us really smarter than Solomon? Solomon's downfall began when he married the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh to seal a political alliance he thought was necessary. But in truth, he just simply could not control his lust. He was in position to have anything and everything his eyes desired, and eventually collected for himself 700 wives and 300 concubines. The inevitable happened. They lured King Solomon to turn away from Yahweh into a pretentious life of worshipping himself, and false gods and idols. Over his 40-year reign, Solomon did many great things, but he had succumbed to the temptations of the degradations of lesser and obsessive/compulsive men. The peace of a united Israel, the massive building projects he headed, and the successful commerce he developed all became meaningless when Solomon turned from God. Avoid Regrets. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4-5 Traditionally, conservatives have aimed for a smaller, deregulated government and desires to preserve the political philosophy and regulations articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Typically, they have an aversion to rapid change and a strong belief that traditional morality, such as articulated in the Bible, needs to be preserved.
So, what happens to individuals or organizations when their views are held in dispute by those in power? Where the content of one's belief does not represent the views of the current Governmental authorities and often they determine it to be ideologically incompatible with the new regime? Furthermore, those same authorities will give their support to noted speakers and leaders, who are known to hold views that seek to create, and promote animosity towards and harassment of that particular class, groups, or persons. Primarily Conservative Christians standing up to an abitrary value system imposed upon them. With the protection of the new regime, Big Tech has become the gatekeepers of the flow of information by restricting free speech of millions of Americans. Twitter even banned the official President of the United States (POTUS) account. Parler was a growing haven for millions of conservatives to share information. Parler was censored and destroyed by it’s ideological competitors, Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon, and then warning others, that Parler won’t be the last. As Amazon was canceling Parler’s web-hosting — supposedly for violation of their contract promoting violence — they were selling “Kill All Republicans” tee-shirts, and it turns out that while Twitter and Facebook were canceling Parler, the actual mobs were recruiting and coordinating their attacks on Twitter and Facebook. These media companies did not remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s accounts when she called for “uprisings” against the Trump administration. Facebook and Twitter did not target Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she claimed that allegedly marginalized groups have “no choice but to riot.” These platforms did not act against Kamala Harris when she said the riots “should not stop”. When Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA militants were throwing Molotov cocktails at federal buildings, setting up “autonomous zones,” and burning down cities. They condemned Trump for holding up a Bible standing in front of a church — without mentioning the fact that that very church had been set on fire the night before. Twitter and Facebook suppressed a mainstream newspaper for publishing the China payoffs scandal to Hunter Biden story, as well as suspending hundreds of individuals’ accounts. Twitter eventually said it was a mistake weeks later and restored the New York Post account, but only after the election had taken place. It’s worth noting that Amazon deplatformed Parler after members of Congress had demanded it. That makes it a real First Amendment violation as well as a violation of the right to free speech, which the First Amendment exists to protect. So, somehow, all conservative socail media accounts are being shut down in a coordinated fashion by these very-effective monopolies with full governmental support. This is a problem and it needs to be challenged, because the government is after-all a taxpayer-funded entity, and this is where Christians money goes to as well, polls show two-thirds of Americans still profess to be Christians. While only 35% of those consider themselves to be highly religious, and only 10% of that hold to a Biblical worldview, meaning, those who engage in a Biblical worldview. That is to say, a belief in one sovereign God and belief that Jesus is God, are the basic truths that are taught in the Bible, combined with a worldview that is based on a understanding of the history of the world, as revealed in the Bible, i.e., God’s relationship with the cosmos, the world and all of humanity are the center of absolute truths. There is ‘confusion’ because you have a lot of people are taking on the same label for themselves and saying ‘we’re Christian’, but very little knowledge of what is taught from the Bible. We are faced with two issues, first, when new Administrations’ policies are mandated and if you don't subscribed to their views, your opinion is cancelled, or you’re banned, or worse, you're fired and replaced, and that is pure authoritarianism. When you GOOGLE search Trump, 2020 Elcection, COVID, Vaccinations or Hydroxychloroquine, any other hot topic, GOOGLE has already edited your choices for you reflecting their narrative that they want you to see first. With this new agenda, there is no longer room for open dialog, or differing opinions and disagreements. Under this ideology, you could never be able to challenge who runs the government, there would be no democracy, there would only be one party, one view and that is all. It's wrong because it means truth officially becomes subject to a official narrative of the government. No second narrative will be permitted, no one speaking outside of what the government says, is censored and removed. If a government party gets this kind of status to decide and no one is allowed to dispute, then why have a document called the Constitution, that legalizes the freedoms of political and religious communication. That declares no government, federal, state, or local, can create laws or regulations which inappropriately restrict freedom of individual’s rights of open communication. That is the freedom that voters have in a democratic society to share political opinions and communications. In other words, it s a protection against a one-party state, this is a democracy and the law says so and the courts actually said that that right is in our founding Constitution. Yes, we all agree, it is also unlawful for a person to discriminate against another person on the grounds of their religious or political conviction. However, that fundamental truth is fading fast. Unfortunately, we now have “hired censorship as annonymous fact checkers” ready to delete with a simple keystroke and a cancel culture claiming that their actions are justified, simply motivated by any questionable content of those that do not represent the views of an "enlighten civilization". Well, the question really becomes, so what are the views of the vast majority of an enlighten civilization? Who decides? How is it measured? The truth is, in most cases, it can't be measured. Indeed, last I checked, the vast majority, that is society at large, agree on very little. The American public is composed of a wide range of identity groups, cultural groups and faith groups and that public agrees on very little, and the reigning government shouldn't get to decide what they do agree on. In fact, an agreement is not a valid ground to cancel anyone's views in a real, diverse community. But it's convenient to say that because it is yet another way to cancel everyone who disagrees with you. That day when disagreement becomes justification for harassment or elimination, is the day that we have lost democracy. How is it that we ever got to a point where our government officials think it's a good idea to ban anyone who disagrees with them? How did their approach become so akin to an authoritarian regime like the Chinese Communist Party? - where you can expect, under those conditions, for dissent to be cancelled or de-platformed, possibly incarcerated. That's what Communists regimes do, and it's not what we do supposedly, until now. The CCP could well be, the future Nazi regime of the 21st Century, say that out loud and straight away you're seen as a nutcase, invoking anything that happened in the forties in Germany ever could happen again - but already, they have got their mass concentration camps. China has been accused of committing crimes against humanity and possibly genocide against the Uyghur population and other mostly-Muslim ethnic groups in the north-western region of Xinjiang. Human rights groups now believe China has detained more than one million Uyghurs against their will quietly over the past decade in a large network of what the state calls "re-education camps", and sentenced hundreds of thousands to prison terms. There is also evidence that Uyghurs are being used as forced labour, human organ harvesting and of women being forcibly sterilised. Some former camp detainees have also alleged they were tortured and sexually abused. The Chinese Communist Party is a threat to world peace and they are authoritarians. They've got all the trappings of world domination. And shockingly, the CCP have their paid sympathizers squarely embedded in so many places in and around the world, including in positions of influence and influential institutions like the United Nations and WHO, but also unfortunately, in the US Government. There are endless examples of obvious heroic action, there is the heroism that involves great physical deeds and possible self-sacrifice on the battlefield or on a city street by those that are trained to face adversity. Whatever one's individual tastes in heroes, the one fact that is abundantly clear: is the great men and women whose achievements provide us inspiration come with an assortment of specific characteristics. Some are capable of great physical feats, some are intellectual, and some are excellent examples of moral principle. More prosaically, some are male, some are female; some are white, some black, and some are Americans. And yet, through the teeming multiplicities of individual differences, there runs a recurrent thread, a distinguishing essence that unites them all into a common classification, as differentiated from their counter-parts, from the mundane, the pedestrian, the non-heroic--or worse, from the evil, the villainous, the monstrous, the anti-heroic. Yet heroic action is not always limited to moments of immediate crisis and split-second decisions to save another’s life. There is also heroism that is thoughtful, considered, and plays out over time, that may go unnoticed, unrecorded by historians. There is everyday heroism, life’s choices exhibited on a daily basis in countless ways. True heroism is remarkably sober, undramatic, its not the urge to surpass others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve at whatever the cost. Some people have personality traits that predispose them to behave in altruistic ways. A concern for others, moral integrity and conviction, possess a great deal of compassion, kindness, and empathy. But, what about the person who acts contrary to popular belief? Willing to stand diametrically opposed to the widespread opinions of the day to save a people who are marginalized by the ruling commonwealth and upper class of society? Elijah Davidson words and actions in the defense of the oppressed and enslaved, drew the ire of the powerful elite gentry class and angered many of the populace as well. Their disapprovals made him into a new enemy of the plantation owners, pro-slavery Politicians and Pastors, who spoke out and preached against any plans for himself, his family and those who joined his emancipation faith. The following is J. H. Spencer's comment on early customs of Kentucky Baptists: [From Spencer's A History of Kentucky Baptists, Vol. 1, p. 484. Published 1886] "Slavery was by far the most fruitful of mischief of all the questions that agitated the Baptist churches of Kentucky from 1788 till 1820. Opposition to slavery extended to every part of the territory, and engaged the talents of some of the ablest ministers of the denomination. Cornelius Duese, John Murphy, John H. Owen, Elijah Davidson, and Carter Tarrant, all men of piety and influence, openly opposed slavery in Green River Association from the constitution of its first churches and disturbed our churches, by preaching against slavery until that fraternity was threatened with dissolution. They propagated the doctrine of the emancipation of slaves. Most, if not all these ministers, officiated as pastors of churches where slavery was tolerated." The principal agitators were Cornelius Duese, John Murphy, John H. Owen, Elijah Davidson, and Carter Tarrent, in the Green River Association; Joshua Carman, Josiah Dodge, and Thomas Whitman, in the Salem Association; William Hickman, John Satton, William Buckley, Donald Holmes, George Smith, George Stokes Smith, and David Barrow, in Elkhorn and Bracken Associations. The state government intentionally enacted new laws restricting Elijah's future, as a preacher, a abolitionist, and as a family patriarch. Eventually he and others who subscribed to his beliefs were forced moved to a new state. Elijah was man of conviction who would stand up against obvious inequality, even within the pews of his father’s Baptist church, and against a powerful state’s institution to fight for the rights of the enslaved even though his reputation could be crushed by the culture of his day. The first meeting of the Emancipators as a body, was in August, 1807, when they convened in conference, to deliberate on the mode of their future proceedings. At this meeting, eleven ministers and nineteen private brethren entered their names as advocates for emancipating principles. Eleven queries were presented to this Conference, and most of their time appears to have been taken up in discussing and resolving them. First query was, "Can any person be admitted a member of this meeting, whose practice appears friendly to perpetual slavery?" Answer. "We think not". The next was, "Is there any case in which persons holding slaves may be admitted to membership into a church of Christ?" Answer. "No; except in the following, 1st. In the case of a person holding young slaves, and recording a deed of their emancipation at such an age as the church to which they offer may agree to. 2nd. In the case of persons who have purchased in their ignorance, and are willing that the church shall say when the slaves or slave shall be free. 3rd. In the case of women, whose husbands are opposed to emancipation. 4th. In the case of a widow, who has it not in her power to liberate them. -- 5th. In the case of mental disabilities, old age, or any debility of body that prevents such slave from procuring a sufficient support; and some other cases, which we would wish the churches to be at liberty to judge of, agreeably to the principles of humanity. The 6th query was, Shall members in union with us be at liberty in any case to purchase slaves? Answer. No, except it be with a view to ransom them from perpetual slavery, in such a way as the church may approve of. The last query which we shall notice, was, Have our ideas of slavery occasioned any alteration in our view, of the doctrine of the gospel? Answer. No". The September following, these people met again, and formed their fraternity into an organized body, under the name of "The Friends to Humanity." The Association received its name from that of a church called Licking-Locust, which is in the north part of the State, near the Ohio River, and is considered a mother establishment to the emancipating interest in Kentucky. But Elijah's advocacy was not just about race, but also for a gender equality regarding higher education, for common folk who were denied opportunities for higher education unless they were wealthy. It should be noted that a small, rural, country church with a young couple named Thomas and Nancy joined their anti-slavery church assocaition. The following year they had a son named Abraham Lincoln. Elijah's life was beyond the “subconscious reaction” form of heroism to instinctively jump in, instead, it was the conscious, mindful use of altruistic actions. Established in 1852 on the Elijah Davidson Donation Land Claim is on a hilltop south of Monmouth, it contains graves of Elijah Davidson and Peter Butler families and their kin. Originally this cemetery was set in a clearing, on the top of a hill with a panoramic view of Mt. Hood, and Mt. Jefferson, at the edge of the Willamette valley. Today, the forest has swallowed it up and it is hidden, forgotten, deep in the woods.
In 1798, John Adams, a Founding Father and our second president, said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Even though America was not born Christian, it grew to become very Christian. Clearly, the Founders identified themselves as Christians. The Founding Fathers, understood that self-government under God’s government could tempered the potential harmful effects of a pure democracy that could be manipulated by evil men and women. In 1776, nearly every European American, with the exception of about 3000 Jews, identified himself or herself as a Christian. Moreover, approximately 98 percent of the colonists were Protestants, with the remaining 1.9 percent being Roman Catholics. But the reality was, these were Christians who were significantly influenced by non-Christian ideas, self-consciously attempting to create a new secular political order. The founders’ bedrock of principles did not dictate, persecute, or compel one’s adherence to religious doctrine or affiliation. Rather, they defended the individual’s right to exercise, or not to exercise, one’s personal beliefs in faith. But make no mistake as a collective, the Founders understood that a functioning and thriving Republic mandated a societal moral tone was crucial to maintaining order and securing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Yes, Christianity has always been intertwined with the American spirit of liberty and independence. And yet, America itself has become it’s own religion. The United States is the only country that believes itself to be based on a unifying ideology that is both unique and universal—and avowedly secular. Since World War II, if you look at the Democratic and the Capitalistic systems of the world and how it was spread into more and more countries we see that it has lifted more people out of poverty than any other time in history. It has elevated more into the middle class than at any other time in history, it has it has raised up the lives of more people it has improved the lot of more people than any other movement or idea in all of history. What's interesting is at the core of Christian Western Democratic values at the very least are freedoms, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom to protest, freedom to pursue your dreams and because of that sort of thing, (and all people agree on) is why more people migrate to America than any where else in the world. But today, political disputations over what America is supposed to be have taken on the fervor of religious zealots, and fanatical theological debates. It has become what a religion looks like without the religion. These New Age zealots have taken religious notions such as original sin, atonement, ritual, and excommunication, and repurpose them for secular ends. Adherents of woke-ism see themselves as challenging the long-dominant narrative that emphasized the exceptionalism of the nation’s founding. Whereas traditional religion views the promised land as being above, a hope within God’s kingdom, the utopian left, however, sees the promised land as being in the realization of a globalization here on Earth. It’s rare to ever hear someone being accused of “being un-Canadian”, or “un-Korean” or “un-British”, but to be called un-American is considered a slur, by both left and right. Being called un-American is not unlike being called “un-Christian” or “un-Islamic”, a weighted accusation akin to heresy. What does it mean to be a nation? What is the purpose of the state? What is the role of religion in public life? In America, politics is war by other means—and sometimes is literal war. No wonder that the newly ascendant American ideologies, are filling the vacuum where religion once held prominence, and they are intentionally divisive. They are meant to be divisive by design. If loyalties don’t derive from traditional religion, it would find it’s expression through secular commitments, ... movements such as BLM, WOKE and Climate Change zealots. New Age Utopian Socialist zealots are demanding that new mandatory regulations for leveling capitalism be installed and controlled by appointed ideological bureaucrats. It is Marxist, it is Communist. Their ideal future is that the US will no longer be leading the world out of poverty, instead it should be a coalition of nations, a multi-national government that will dominate the world. Their agenda is to make a utopia that puts people into a position of being totally controlled. Either way, no human ideology can survive very long without some ultimate loyalty, even if it’s mandatory. The threat of a Globalist Communism is real and already beginning in the United States, institutionally we are seeing the dilution one of American’s fundamental blessings, the ability to vote and select it’s representatives of government. And worst, we are lining up and embracing it. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that the world’s leading western Democracy will embrace the Communistic restrictions in exchange for a sense of safety and security and for stimulus bribes and handouts from the government. We will give up going to church with all of our friends, we will give up our family connections, we willingly give up work, we will even quarantine ourselves, believing the government will keep us safe. We bought the lie of the Utopian Socialists and their Media’s propaganda vomit.
There’s an old saying “You only vote for communism once!” ... because afterwards, you will no longer have a right to vote. We gave it all up willingly because of COVID 19, and next they'll try and engineer a new crisis to get more of their agenda off the ground, to regulate and control our lives, it will be Climate Change, and it's very clear in the DAVOS’ Great Reset documentation what they precisely want to do. What is DAVOS? 25—29 January 2021 THEME: THE GREAT RESET Here’s the Agenda of the World Economic Forum's 2021 Davos Conference featured a breathtaking display of oligarchical intention to eradicate all national sovereignty: In the week-long conference, several major themes were presented, including: 1) A Kinder Gentler Dictatorship 2) Good-bye Nation States 3) China Makes its Peace with the Empire 4) Global Malthusianism 5) Using Covid to Re-make Human Culture “Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” – Thoreau Aristotle wrote, “to say that what is, ... is, and what is not, ... is not, is true.” This has never been more appropriate in politics and religion. Because, by its very nature self-deception can be hard to distinguish from the truth, and it often arises from the very bed you have been born. We know Truth can lead to meaningful action, truth has instrumental value. But truth also has intrinsic value. Given the choice between a life of unlimited pleasure and a genuine human life with all its pain and suffering, most people opt for the latter. Socrates says that “aletheia” (Greek, ‘truth’) is a compression of the phrase “a wandering that is divine.” Truth and God are often spoken in the same breath, and truth has also been linked with concepts such as justice, power, and freedom. Truth is a property of thoughts and ideas but more aptly is contrived of beliefs and assertions. But to believe or assert something is not enough to make it true, or the assertion that to believe that it is not true. To be a successful liar one must track the truth in order to conceal it, and once successful has no regard or sensitivity for the truth despite what his or her audience believes. Philosophers have theorized that thought or language is true if it corresponds to an independent reality. Meaning their theory of truth, the mind does not perceive reality as it is, but only as it can, filtering, distorting, and interpreting it. Today it is being argued that truth is constructed by social opinions and cultural processes, to say nothing of individual sexual desires and racial dispositions. Unfortunately, IMHO, any compassion in a culture that is void of the Gospel, is a commitment to the costly practice of sacrificing eternal truths in the midst of intellectual, moral, and philosophical battles that's based on arbitrary values. In the coherence of this theory of truth, arbitrary values can only be true if it is mandated into a larger social order. Acceptance just simply becomes an attitude, a way of existing in the world. “Arbitrary Values” imposed on culture can have a devastating impact. We are seeing it played out first hand. If people are left with no eternal basis for meaning or truth, or hope in life, and instead have embraced their two impoverished values; the pursuit of their own personal peace (protected space) and acquiring affluence. Personal peace means: I want to be separated and undisturbed from any invasion from differing opinons and charity towards the poor, sick and homeless is the Government’s responsibility, not mine. Affluence simply means the acquisition of things and more things, and deceived that success is measured by the abundance of things, eventually they become prisoners, creatures of comfort in our own cells, chained by greed. Christians were persecuted in Rome because they would only worship the infinite-personal God and not Caesar. They had an absolute that govern their lives, and, whereby to judge the Roman state and its actions of tyranny. If there are no absolutes by which to judge a society, then society itself is the absolute. Furthermore, authoritarianism remains as the only humanistic social option. Because society still has to be led by an elite: One man or an elitist group giving authoritative arbitrary absolutes. John 8:32, Jesus said to the Jews: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Francis Schaeffer, Christian theologian (January 30, 1912 - May 15, 1984) foresaw the attack on Christianity in the postmodern breakdown of any basis for moral absolutes. One result is what Schaeffer called “arbitrary absolutes” imposed on society by a class of professional elites. Their intent would be world domination, plain and simple, executed through fear, terror, and ultimately the ballot box, masquerading as “Democracy”.
However, western-style democratic principles are built on the remnants of Christian moral order. Meaning, the Founding Fathers knew self-government under God’s government tempered the potentially harmful effects of a pure democracy that could be manipulated by evil men and women. These same elites claim that “democracy” will cure all of society’s ills. But, what they really want is an authoritarian style social and political order, whose goal is to defeat any and all voices of heresy according to their “New World Order”, and primarily, that of the Christian conservatives. These so-called infidels disparately need “deprogramming”. Using Gestapo-style tactics to silence them on social media and other platforms, and if that doesn’t work, they will resort to closing their businesses to accomplish their goals. Today, we’re beginning to see this new Democracy in the hands of these elitists is perilous. In the end, they will manipulate the democratic process to deny the democratic process to the masses, now that they have gain power. |