Traditionally, conservatives have aimed for a smaller, deregulated government and desires to preserve the political philosophy and regulations articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Typically, they have an aversion to rapid change and a strong belief that traditional morality, such as articulated in the Bible, needs to be preserved.
So, what happens to individuals or organizations when their views are held in dispute by those in power? Where the content of one's belief does not represent the views of the current Governmental authorities and often they determine it to be ideologically incompatible with the new regime? Furthermore, those same authorities will give their support to noted speakers and leaders, who are known to hold views that seek to create, and promote animosity towards and harassment of that particular class, groups, or persons. Primarily Conservative Christians standing up to an abitrary value system imposed upon them. With the protection of the new regime, Big Tech has become the gatekeepers of the flow of information by restricting free speech of millions of Americans. Twitter even banned the official President of the United States (POTUS) account. Parler was a growing haven for millions of conservatives to share information. Parler was censored and destroyed by it’s ideological competitors, Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon, and then warning others, that Parler won’t be the last. As Amazon was canceling Parler’s web-hosting — supposedly for violation of their contract promoting violence — they were selling “Kill All Republicans” tee-shirts, and it turns out that while Twitter and Facebook were canceling Parler, the actual mobs were recruiting and coordinating their attacks on Twitter and Facebook. These media companies did not remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s accounts when she called for “uprisings” against the Trump administration. Facebook and Twitter did not target Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she claimed that allegedly marginalized groups have “no choice but to riot.” These platforms did not act against Kamala Harris when she said the riots “should not stop”. When Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA militants were throwing Molotov cocktails at federal buildings, setting up “autonomous zones,” and burning down cities. They condemned Trump for holding up a Bible standing in front of a church — without mentioning the fact that that very church had been set on fire the night before. Twitter and Facebook suppressed a mainstream newspaper for publishing the China payoffs scandal to Hunter Biden story, as well as suspending hundreds of individuals’ accounts. Twitter eventually said it was a mistake weeks later and restored the New York Post account, but only after the election had taken place. It’s worth noting that Amazon deplatformed Parler after members of Congress had demanded it. That makes it a real First Amendment violation as well as a violation of the right to free speech, which the First Amendment exists to protect. So, somehow, all conservative socail media accounts are being shut down in a coordinated fashion by these very-effective monopolies with full governmental support. This is a problem and it needs to be challenged, because the government is after-all a taxpayer-funded entity, and this is where Christians money goes to as well, polls show two-thirds of Americans still profess to be Christians. While only 35% of those consider themselves to be highly religious, and only 10% of that hold to a Biblical worldview, meaning, those who engage in a Biblical worldview. That is to say, a belief in one sovereign God and belief that Jesus is God, are the basic truths that are taught in the Bible, combined with a worldview that is based on a understanding of the history of the world, as revealed in the Bible, i.e., God’s relationship with the cosmos, the world and all of humanity are the center of absolute truths. There is ‘confusion’ because you have a lot of people are taking on the same label for themselves and saying ‘we’re Christian’, but very little knowledge of what is taught from the Bible. We are faced with two issues, first, when new Administrations’ policies are mandated and if you don't subscribed to their views, your opinion is cancelled, or you’re banned, or worse, you're fired and replaced, and that is pure authoritarianism. When you GOOGLE search Trump, 2020 Elcection, COVID, Vaccinations or Hydroxychloroquine, any other hot topic, GOOGLE has already edited your choices for you reflecting their narrative that they want you to see first. With this new agenda, there is no longer room for open dialog, or differing opinions and disagreements. Under this ideology, you could never be able to challenge who runs the government, there would be no democracy, there would only be one party, one view and that is all. It's wrong because it means truth officially becomes subject to a official narrative of the government. No second narrative will be permitted, no one speaking outside of what the government says, is censored and removed. If a government party gets this kind of status to decide and no one is allowed to dispute, then why have a document called the Constitution, that legalizes the freedoms of political and religious communication. That declares no government, federal, state, or local, can create laws or regulations which inappropriately restrict freedom of individual’s rights of open communication. That is the freedom that voters have in a democratic society to share political opinions and communications. In other words, it s a protection against a one-party state, this is a democracy and the law says so and the courts actually said that that right is in our founding Constitution. Yes, we all agree, it is also unlawful for a person to discriminate against another person on the grounds of their religious or political conviction. However, that fundamental truth is fading fast. Unfortunately, we now have “hired censorship as annonymous fact checkers” ready to delete with a simple keystroke and a cancel culture claiming that their actions are justified, simply motivated by any questionable content of those that do not represent the views of an "enlighten civilization". Well, the question really becomes, so what are the views of the vast majority of an enlighten civilization? Who decides? How is it measured? The truth is, in most cases, it can't be measured. Indeed, last I checked, the vast majority, that is society at large, agree on very little. The American public is composed of a wide range of identity groups, cultural groups and faith groups and that public agrees on very little, and the reigning government shouldn't get to decide what they do agree on. In fact, an agreement is not a valid ground to cancel anyone's views in a real, diverse community. But it's convenient to say that because it is yet another way to cancel everyone who disagrees with you. That day when disagreement becomes justification for harassment or elimination, is the day that we have lost democracy. How is it that we ever got to a point where our government officials think it's a good idea to ban anyone who disagrees with them? How did their approach become so akin to an authoritarian regime like the Chinese Communist Party? - where you can expect, under those conditions, for dissent to be cancelled or de-platformed, possibly incarcerated. That's what Communists regimes do, and it's not what we do supposedly, until now. The CCP could well be, the future Nazi regime of the 21st Century, say that out loud and straight away you're seen as a nutcase, invoking anything that happened in the forties in Germany ever could happen again - but already, they have got their mass concentration camps. China has been accused of committing crimes against humanity and possibly genocide against the Uyghur population and other mostly-Muslim ethnic groups in the north-western region of Xinjiang. Human rights groups now believe China has detained more than one million Uyghurs against their will quietly over the past decade in a large network of what the state calls "re-education camps", and sentenced hundreds of thousands to prison terms. There is also evidence that Uyghurs are being used as forced labour, human organ harvesting and of women being forcibly sterilised. Some former camp detainees have also alleged they were tortured and sexually abused. The Chinese Communist Party is a threat to world peace and they are authoritarians. They've got all the trappings of world domination. And shockingly, the CCP have their paid sympathizers squarely embedded in so many places in and around the world, including in positions of influence and influential institutions like the United Nations and WHO, but also unfortunately, in the US Government.